Installation of RASCIL on galahad

RASCIL is well-suited to running on galahad. Installation should be straightforward. We strongly recommend the use of a python virtual environment. Be sure to load the bare python base module and the gcc modules (in the supported versions) before installing RASCIL, e.g.

module load python39base gcc920

Follow the generic installation steps.

We recommend that RASCIL be installed on one of the preferred storage systems e.g. /share/nas/<your-login>/rascil/

If you are using singularity containers, you will probably need to put the singularity cache somewhere other than your home directory:

mkdir /share/nas/<yourname>/.singularity
export SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=/share/nas/<yourname>/.singularity
singularity pull RASCIL-full.img docker://timcornwell/rascil-full